THE GIG Series (#3): Hollywood

He knew what Julie would have wanted. But in his heart, how could he let her be taken from him?

Award winning Broadway star, Jayden Bryant and his wife, Julie, honeymooned in Hawaii and decided to spend a week in Los Angeles before heading home to New York., Andy Accioli, The gig, hollywood, book, romance, novel, kindle, ad image
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The movie studio, where he was scheduled to start filming “Miss Lynn” the Broadway role which catapulted his career onto the movie screen, had undergone a major management change. His new producer requested Jayden meet with him and his wife, the film’s newly appointed director, at their palatial Hollywood home.

Unfortunately, they had no intention of discussing the production. Their interest was in satisfying their own lustful perversions. Because of his refusal to participate in their ménage à quatre, he was fired from the film.

Once Jayden and Julie arrived back in New York, he learned that the rights to the movie he was set to film in Hollywood, were re-acquired by his Broadway production team.

Jayden and Julie’s love grew as did Jayden’s movie career…and Julie’s belly. She was pregnant.

 When Julie was eight and a half months along in her pregnancy, she was exposed to a deadly strain of an unknown, deadly respiratory virus in the laboratory of NY’s Communicable Diseases where she was the director. Within minutes of arriving at the hospital, knowing how rapidly this infectious disease would spread throughout her body, she demanded that their baby be removed by a cesarean section in an effort to not have the virus transmitted to her baby.

Jayden was over 3,300 miles away, filming location shots in Anchorage, Alaska. 

When he received Julie’s call, production was halted and he was flown back to New York.

At the hospital’s isolation unit, he found Julie and their newborn, Harper Riley Bryant, in two separate rooms to avoid possible viral contamination. Preliminary blood tests showed Harper to be free of the infection which was now debilitating Julie.

Julie’s conditioned worsened. Her organs began to shut down.

The only hope presented to Jayden by the medical team was to perform a procedure involving, Harper.

The outcome had only about a 40% chance of saving Julie yet could prove deadly to their daughter.

Jayden stared at his unconscious wife through the corridor window. Then he walked a few steps and observed their healthy daughter as she slept peacefully in her bassinet.

He was in an emotional tug-of-war: do I let Julie die by not risking infecting Harper?
In his mind he knew what Julie would have wanted. But in his heart, how could he let his one, true love be taken from him?

Due to mature language, only 18+ readers please.

Available: Kindle