Miss Lynn:
5 STARS – “Very interesting…Reading the tale of this woman’s life through the eyes of her son is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.” Amazon Customer Review – Rebecca Richardson
5 STARS – “Great documentary on living with a Narcissist parent…I downloaded and read this book in less than two days. Not because it’s a short read, but because I literally could not put it down.” Amazon Customer Review
5 STARS – “THANK YOU…I am not alone. Having grown up with a mother like this and now having gone through cancer with some cruel comments and stories similar to yours I APPRECIATE and thank you.” Amazon Customer Review – Lorina Nilsen-Lowman
5 STARS – “Interesting from cover to cover…Delusional is right, cannot believe this was a true story. Her son should be considered for sainthood for everything she put him through!”Amazon Customer Review – Sarah 1982