Half Mile Project ~ 3 Acts ~ Cast 9 (5F / 4M)


AndyAccioli.com, Andy Accioli, play, Half Mile Miracle Cover image
Half Mile Project (the play) is based upon the book The Half-Mile Miracle by Rocco Piacente and Pamela Inzerillo.

April 26, 1986, Rocco and Fred have a chance meeting at the Gay Center’s Prom.  Fred attended the gala, Rocco volunteered to work the coat room for the event.  Fred suggests that they have a date when Rocco’s shift is over.  They have an enjoyable date and return to Fred’s NYC brownstone apartment.  A lamp crashing in the living room alerts them to a possible intruder.  Hammer in hand, Fred turns the lights on to reveal the intruder’s identity: Margo, the foul mouthed, crusty New Yorker who resides in the second floor apartment.  Margo explains that she used her emergency key to enter Fred’s apartment as she fears for her life since she stabbed her wimp husband, Harold, the previous evening and spent the night in jail.

Rocco moves in with Fred as their relationship and love grows.  Fred’s birthday surprise was Rocco arranging for Fred’s longtime friend, Pam, who resides in Texas, to be a part of the celebration.

With New Year’s Eve approaching, Fred decided that they should have a “Blue Velvet” themed New Year’s Eve party.  Shortly before midnight, Margo was determined to annoy the lower level apartment residents, Joseph and Anthony or “the rodents from the basement” as she refers to them. Joseph is disturbed but just before leaving he makes this forecast to Rocco: “1987 is going to be quite a shock for you Rock.”  This cryptic message disturbed Rocco while the other party goers urged him to forget it.

The following June, while at a restaurant, Fred seemed distracted, distant.  Through his tears he explained to Rocco that as a result of his drug use while in college he was now HIV+ (a precursor to AIDS).  Rocco consoled Fred while thinking of the words Joseph uttered six months earlier:  “1987 is going to be quite a shock for you Rock”.

Over time, Fred’s condition worsens.  His hospital stays grew more frequent and for extended periods of time.  All the while Rocco was by his side.  One time when he was back at their apartment, too weak to work, Margo decides to care for Fred while Rocco was at work. (Margo could barely care for herself much less another person.)  For lunch, she serves Fred tomato soup right out of the can, she reasons “It says ready to serve”.

Fred had three goals: 1.) See a live Liza Minnelli show, 2.) Visit Alaska, and 3.) Move to the warmth of Florida.

Rocco returns home from work one afternoon and tells Fred to get ready as they would be going to Radio City to see Liza’s show that night.  Fred perks up and is raring to go.

In spite of another lengthy hospital stay, Fred was determined that they go on his lifetime dream vacation: Alaska.  Against the advice of practically everyone, off they go to Alaska.

On their return trip home they visit Kansas City, Fred’s hometown, to attend Fred and Pam’s 10 year high school reunion.  They enjoy cracking on their former classmates…and one teacher in particular.

Although Fred’s AIDS condition was extremely serious he was focused on accomplishing his third wish: move to Florida.  Rocco and Fred moved to Florida.  Fred was now suffering from vision and memory loss, Shortly thereafter, Fred died…in Rocco’s arms.

Theaters: Request a copy of this script.