Two older Italian women have made it a hobby to attend funerals of people they do not know. They routinely review obituaries to select those funerals they would like to attend. While their mournful sobs might be overdramatic and somewhat convincing, they amuse themselves by commenting about the deceased as well as provide pithy remarks about fellow mourners.
Characters (2F – 1M)
JULIA – very Italian, mid 70’s, “with it”
THERESA – very Italian, mid 70’s, prone to say/do the wrong thing
FUNERAL DIRECTOR – offstage, solemn voice
A funeral home. Two kneelers (small step stools) are center stage and face audience so that when “people” kneel at them, they too face audience. Two chairs, for JULIA and THERESA, are approximately four feet behind kneelers.
Production Note
All other characters besides JULIA and THERESA are imaginary. We sense their presence by the head/eye/body reactive movements of both JULIA and THERESA.
Run-time: 10 minutes (approx.)
Author’s Blurb
Andy Accioli is the author of 11 full-length plays and 8 books. Info: